News and Announcements

We would like to inform you about the fake website, electronic mail, delivery tracking and information applications prepared for malicious purposes

To the attention of the public,

We would like to inform you about the fake website, electronic mail, delivery tracking, and information applications prepared for malicious purposes, giving the false impression that they were sent by our company, which have no relationship with our company.

The address extension following the @ symbol in the official e-mails forwarded by our company, Aras Kargo Yurt İçi Yurt Dışı Taşımacılık A.Ş., is as follows: We strongly remind you to disregard e-mails from addresses that do not have this extension.

It is of great importance for the security of your data that you receive the necessary information about your shipments for which you receive services from our company only through our official communication channels mentioned below.

We inform you that the necessary legal proceedings will be initiated as soon as possible regarding the person or persons making the said attempt.

Our company does not accept responsibility and liability concerning violations of rights that may occur through the use of channels other than our official communication channels.

Best regards,
Aras Kargo Yurt İçi Yurt Dışı Taşımacılık A.Ş.
Our Official Communication Channels.

444 25 52
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