Terms Of Use


These Terms of Website Use (“Terms of Use”) govern the terms and conditions of use of the website with the domain name of https://www.araskargo.com.tr/ (“Website”) owned by Aras Kargo Yurt İçi Yurt Dışı Taşımacılık Anonim Şirketi (“Aras”).

The Website users and/or all robots, software and other technological systems accessing the Website (“User(s)”) shall be accepted to have read, understood and agreed to these Terms of Use as of such access.

1. General Terms of Website Use

The information contained on the Website are provided for information purposes only, and Aras spares utmost efforts in ensuring that all such information are obtained from trustworthy sources; and that they are correct, up-to-date, error-free and reliable. However, the information available on the Website may contain unintentional material errors such as typing/printing errors. Such errors may be corrected, at Aras’ discretion, when they are detected by Aras. Although the information contained on the Website are periodically updated, the updates may not correct all errors or may introduce new errors.

In this respect, Aras does not guarantee that the information contained on the Website are correct, up-to-date, error-free and reliable at all times; that they shall meet the Users’ expectations; and/or that uninterrupted access to information could be ensured. Aras does not accept any liability for direct or indirect damage which may arise out of the information contained on the Website, any and all mistakes, incompleteness or faults therein, and/or the use thereof.

The information provided on the third-party links directing to the Website may not always originate from Aras. Aras does not either accept any obligation or responsibility in such cases as regards content.

The Website may offer links or contain references to other websites which are not controlled by Aras. Aras is not responsible for the contents of such sites or the other links contained therein. Aras assumes no responsibility for immediate/specific damage or other losses emanating from the direct or indirect use of the information contained on the Website (incl. hyperlinks).

All decisions based on the information provided by Aras on the Website are only, and solely, under the responsibility of the Users.

Aras reserves the right to vary, remove or rectify the information on the Website, without any prior notice.

All provisions above are also applicable for the websites and software which are directly or indirectly accessible or usable over the Website pertaining to Aras. In case of access to third party software through (hyper)links, the rules of such providers are also reserved. The Website is open for access by all Users, provided that the Terms of Use and the applicable legislation are complied with. In matters which are not specifically regulated in these Terms of Use in relation to the use of the Website, the provisions of the applicable legislation in force in the Republic in Turkey shall govern, so far as is appropriate to the nature thereof.

Aras spares utmost efforts in keeping the Website and auxiliary systems (e.g. servers) free and clear of viruses and similar malicious software, programs, applications and codes, and to adopt the necessary measures therefor. Nevertheless, despite the efforts spared in this regard, Aras does not guarantee that the Website is clear and free of viruses and similar malware, or does not assume any responsibility for any direct or indirect damage which may ensue therefrom. The Users should take all necessary precautions prior to downloading any information or document whilst using the Website.

Aras respects the views and opinions of the Users, and the Website may contain forms where the Users can share their general requests, complaints and suggestions. Yet, Aras handles the comments, requests, complaints and suggestions received thereby, according to its own customer relations procedures.

If the Users violate these Terms of Use or the applicable legislation in force, Aras may suspend, or if deemed necessary, forthwith terminate the use of the Website, or report the Users to the authorized institutions and organizations, without serving any notice on the Users, and without prejudice to any and all rights to the indemnification available to Aras.

2. Intellectual Property and Copyrights

The design and contents of the Website are protected by copyright, Aras is the copyright holder thereof.

The intellectual and industrial rights of all contents and techniques, including, without limitation, the information, pictures, music, videos, photos, AI-generated visuals, animations, designs, texts, images, logos and icons on the Website as well as technical data, software codes, work products, business models which are presented in writing, electronically or graphically or machine-readable format belong to Aras. The use of the foregoing by the Users for any purpose or by any method, including, without limitation, the modification, reproduction, translation – into any other language, republication, transmission, dissemination, sale, exchange, facilitating the resale, (re-)display, creation of derivative works, reverse engineering thereof, are subject to the prior written consent of Aras. The posting of such content or technique on the Website shall not grant the Users with any claim or disposition over the content. All links to be given to this Website from third-party websites are subject to Aras’ permission.

The use of Aras’ trademarks is expressly prohibited. Any infringement shall require legal and criminal liability. All other rights of Aras which are not expressly indicated herein are reserved.

3. Users’ Obligations

The Users may utilize the features available on the Website, solely as limited to the purpose of the provision of the feature concerned. Aras cannot be held liable for any direct and/or indirect damage which may arise from the use and/or the permission of use by the Users of the Website contrary to the general legal and ethical rules, applicable legislation, these Terms of Use or their purpose.

While accessing the Website, the Users are obligated to ensure the security of their own software and operating system; to procure their own virus protection program; and to adopt the necessary measures for ensuring their own security in the Internet environment.

The Users are obliged to refrain from using robot, spider, web-crawler, automatic program, draw crawling, data mining and similar screen scraping software or systems, automatic devices or manual processes on the Website, making explicit or implicit attempts therefor, or accessing the data or software belonging to the other Users in an unauthorized manner.

The Users accept, declare and undertake that Aras shall not be liable towards the Users for the suspension, interruption or banning of access thereby to the Website in case of the violation by the Users of these Terms of Use or the applicable legislation in force.

The Users accept, declare and undertake that if they breach these Terms of Use or the applicable legislation in force while using the Website, commit any tortious act against any person and/or cause any direct, indirect and/or consequential damage to be suffered by any person, use or attempt to use the Website for any unlawful, fraudulent or improper purpose, all liability and the indemnity obligation therefor shall exclusively belong to them; and that they shall be obliged to compensate all direct, indirect and consequential damage and costs which may be incurred by Aras.

4. Limitation of Liability and Indemnification

To the extent so permitted by the applicable legislation, Aras cannot be held liable for any incidental, indirect, exemplary, punitive or other damage, loss of profits or damage resulting from the use, non-use of the Website or the information contained thereon, whether based on warranty, contract, tort, offense or other legal theory, even if Aras has been advised of the possibility of such harm.

Aras does not accept any liability for any delay in or interruption of access to the Website or its contents, deletion, loss, delay in the transaction or communication, computer virus, communication error, theft, destruction or unauthorized access to, modification or use of records.

If any user commits any tort towards any person over or through the Website and/or any person is caused to suffer direct, indirect and/or consequential damage, Aras cannot be held liable for such damage.

5. Privacy and Protection of Personal Data

Detailed information on the processing of personal data are accessible from process-based privacy notices which are made available to your party at https://www.araskargo.com.tr/aydinlatma-metni/giris and which may be updated from time to time.

6. Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The application and interpretation of these Terms of Use are governed by Turkish Law, and Istanbul Anatolian Courts and Enforcement Offices will have jurisdiction in the settlement of any and all disputes arising in relation to the Terms of Use.